Hot_Milfy_Mom’s Chat Room
1) How did you come up with your alter ego hot_milfy_mom? My
character is really just a less guarded and more open manifestation of
myself. Hot milfy isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and share her deepest,
darkest, dirty thoughts and fantasies. She’s willing to push limits and
has quite a playful streak! In real life, I work in an environment
where I need to act professional so it’s great to be able to loosen up
and mess around on cam.
2) Tell us about your “Date Raffles” I’m attempting
to do a dinner date raffle in every state, it gives me a chance to meet
some of my viewers. Tickets can be purchased using tokens. I do the
drawings live on cam. I’ve done raffles in Texas and Washington so far,
Pennsylvania is the next state later this month.
3) Describe a typical Sunday afternoon: Sundays are
usually the days I do errands. Grocery shopping, mow the grass (no, I
don’t have a lawn boy I do it myself), work on various projects etc…
Nothing too exciting, but it’s my day off from work so I use it to get
things done. Often, my daughter Anna and I will get together Sunday
afternoons to talk over brunch.
4)Do you have any hidden talents? My talents can only be discovered in a one-on-one situation, if you know what I mean.
5) What is your drink of choice? That’s easy!
Coffee! I have an obsession with Starbucks. I love it! Sometimes I even
dream about it. I once did a live chaturbate cam show inside a
Starbucks, that was entertaining. I had fun drinking my Caramel
Macchiato while chatting, then when I met my goal I got a lil naughty in
the bathroom.
6) If you could go on a date with anyone in the world who would it be? Robert Downing Jr. And it would be even better if he showed up in his Iron Man costume.
7) Something you absolutely love: Travel! I love to
go to new places, meet different people and explore new areas. It’s
exciting. I have yet to travel outside the US, but hope to be able to
8) Something you absolutely hate: Spiders! I once
had to call a friend to come kill a spider because I was trapped in my
room, and the spider was by the door so I couldn’t escape. It was a HUGE
scary one. Thank gawd she come over right away to rescue me.
9) What is the craziest request you have received on cam? Someone
asked me if I could do any magic tricks. So I did a crazy mind boggling
trick. It was so much fun. I swallowed a pink garter belt made it
change colors inside me then pulled it out the pussidilla and it was
purple. It was a pretty juicy trick, if I say so myself. People couldn’t
figure out how I did it, I bet they’re still wondering. Ha
10) Where is the wildest place you have done a webcam show? I’ve
done cam shows at my work twice. Once at the spa I work at I gave a
girlfriend a massage on cam in my massage room. That was risky because
my boss was right outside the door getting her nails done at the nail
station. I also did a cam show from the sauna in the locker room at the
gym I work at. I usually cam in the dungeon (my basement) but sometimes
you can catch me camming in strange places like outside under a
11) What is your favorite foreplay activity?I would have to say making out. Kissing is hot.
12) Tell us what turns you on? Foreplay always gets me in the mood.
13) Have you ever been with another woman? I have been with a female once during a threesome. It was interesting, but I prefer cockamole to the pussidilla.
14) Do you have a crush on anyone at Chatturbate? I heart all my milfyians!
15) When you like someone how do you show it? I flirt, smile, chat, go out of my way to do extra things for them.
16) What is the last thing you do before going to sleep? I like to read before bed. I’m reading the Shades Of Grey books right now.
17) What is the first thing you do when you wake up? I usually check my phone to return texts/calls and check email.
18) Do you believe in good luck charms? I would have to say no. I believe you make your own luck through hard work and determination.
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